Top fives from our young writers

Posted by theministry on 17th November 2015

It’s been five years of the Ministry of Stories. Hear from our Junior Ministers on their favourite fives.

Top five words to use in a story if you want to impress people by Jadesola and Eniola

  1. Magical
  2. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  3. Elegant
  4. Stupendous
  5. Static

Top five things about Hoxton by Gabriella and Mila

  1. The Ministry of Stories and monster shop
  2. Hoxton garden for picnics
  3. Hoxton square (Byron!)
  4. Pizza at Olive
  5. The chicken & chip shop.

Top five names for a pet by Keira

  1. Thunderbolt
  2. Lucky
  3. Crack-a-doodle snap
  4. Pickle
  5. Napper

Top five fantasy future jobs by Nancy and Bruce

  1. Space zookeeper
  2. Teaching animals to talk
  3. Balloon bus driver
  4. Invisible watchers
  5. Robot vet

Top five places where lost socks go by Caleb and Keberta

  1. Sock Land
  2. Jazz Man the Sock-Stealer’s feet
  3. Sock spiders who live in the washing machine and make webs out of socks
  4. In the dishwasher
  5. Portsmouth

Top five pizza toppings for monsters by Noah and Chidama

  1. Stinky socks
  2. Human flesh!
  3. Brain
  4. Souls of the dead
  5. Devil horns, spicy like pepperoni

Top five dinosaurs by Tilly and Jonathan

  1. Stinkasaurus
  2. Chicken rex
  3. Stegasaurus
  4. Binchasaur
  5. Pterodactyl

Top five ways to end a story by Kiana

  1. They lived happily ever after
  2. They didn’t like happily ever after because he bit the family
  3. The gingerbread man showed up
  4. “I didn’t want to see you!”
  5. This is not so good
NEXT PAGE: Celebrating the big 5