Fragments from Utopia

Posted by theministry on 4th July 2024

Uncover remains from an ancient society buried deep below Oaklands school in Tower Hamlets.

“It is with great pleasure that we present this collection of varied and original utopian stories crafted by our talented young writers. This anthology is more than just a compilation of words, it is a testament to the creativity, wit, and boundless imagination of young minds envisioning a better world with a delightful twist of humour.

Each piece reflects the writer’s creativity, showcasing a range of voices, styles, and unique utopian visions. From societies where laughter is the currency to futuristic cities powered by joy, these stories capture human aspiration through the lens of humour. They offer glimpses into the dreams, hopes, and ideals of a new generation of writers who see the world not just as it is, but as it could be.

The process of writing and refining these stories has taught them perseverance, the power of commitment, and the joy of sharing work. We have been privileged to witness this. Happy reading!”

— Thahmina Haseen, English Teacher, Oaklands School

Fragments from Utopia text

This spring, students from Oaklands School explored a lost utopian world. Across one term, Key Stage 3 and 4 students took part in a weekly lunchtime writing club – led by Ministry of Stories facilitator,  Spaghetti Club founder and writer Michael Crowe – which worked to excite and inspire creativity and build writing confidence. Students’ finished writing was collected into a professionally designed and illustrated anthology which you can read in full here. 

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