Story Spotlight – Dear Burger

Posted by theministry on 21st November 2023

Tall tales, ripping yarns and fantastical poetry. Jump in to some of our young writers’ work.

This month our Community Writing Labs wrote fan letters to their favourite things. Both Arsema and Marie, from our Wednesday Lab, chose to write to their favourite food, yum!

  • Dear Burger by Arsema

Dear Burger,

You are so delicious and juicy.

I love your meat, lettuce and ketchup.

I also love the soft crispy bun that leaves a loud crunch.

I eat you with some chips and sauce but I would DEFINITELY eat you first.

If I ate the chips first, I would be so tempted to eat you.

So I can’t.

This may seem disgusting but I lick my fingers and plate as well as eat every bit of crust and sauce.

Thank you burger.



  • Dear Lasagne, by Marie

Dear Lasagne,

Why are you so creamy?

Why are you so delicious?

Why are you so crusty?

I wish I could eat you every day because you are so special.

I love you when you are steamy hot.

I love you when you are messy.

Why are you so cheesy?

Garlic bread is your best friend. I love you together.




Discover more of our young writers’ work here.

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