National Writing Day 2022

Posted by theministry on 23rd June 2022

Celebrate with us and try our Museum Curator writing prompt

It’s National Writing Day 2022 and we are celebrating the joy and power of writing with our Museum Curator writing prompt. It’s fun, easy and you can do it right now wherever you are! We will be joining in at Ministry of Stories HQ alongside our young writers.

So, grab a pen, pencil or keyboard and start curating your very own museum:

  • Find an object from somewhere in your house. It can be anything at all – as ordinary and everyday as you like!
  • At the top of your page, write down: this isn’t a ______, it’s a… So for instance, if you’ve picked a toothbrush, you would write down “this isn’t a toothbrush, it’s a….” Then complete the sentence! If it isn’t a toothbrush, what is it? Maybe it’s a monster’s eyebrow groomer, or maybe it’s the missing part of a spaceship… Come up with a few different ideas!
  • Choose your favourite idea from your list. Imagine that you are a museum curator, and you’re writing a label to go with the object in your museum. You could include the object’s history, how it arrived in your museum, what it’s made of, what it’s used for, who owned it… Remember, it isn’t a toothbrush – so the more fantastical the better!

Share your museum tags with us over on Twitter @mini_stories

Find out more about our work with children and young people on our Community Labs and Schools pages.

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