Blue Sparks Sizzling

Posted by Lottie Rugg-Easey on 16th July 2020

Drumroll for launch of Blue Sparks Sizzling, an anthology of writing by Morpeth School and Ben Jonson Primary.

The writers (aged 10-13) worked with poet Linden Katherine McMahon in the Spring term and online during lockdown. They explored different points of view through diary writing: from walking in the shoes (or paws or roots or claws) of animals and plants, to thinking about the experiences of the people who travelled to England on the Empire Windrush in 1948, to writing about our own journeys.

Congratulations to all our writers!

Click on the cover image below to read the anthology:

Watch Linden introduce the anthology and hear Ablah, Matty and Tom read out their pieces:

NEXT PAGE: Fox on a Trampoline