The Best Places To Curl Up With A Good Book

Posted by theministry on 2nd March 2023

We asked the experts, our Community Lab writers, to tell us ‘where the best places to read a good book?’.

In celebration of World Book Day 2023 we asked our wednesday Community Lab writers to cough-up the knowledge on the best places to sink into a good story.

Be right back, we’re heading off to try No.3…

  1. In a quiet, quiet library
  2. In bed, propped up
  3. Upside down on the sofa, feet in the air head on the floor.
  4. Where two walls meet to make a corner. Any corner will do.
  5. Underneath the pillows
  6. In the space between being asleep and waking up
  7. In a cosy reading tent, like in lockdown
  8. In a detective’s office (particularly good for reading mystery novels)
  9. In the sky, whilst floating
  10. Inside BookBot, mid teleportation

Where is your favourite place to read? Let us know; join us over on Twitter of Facebook today to join in our World Book Day celebrations.

NEXT PAGE: What Volunteering Means To Me: Joanna Afroozi